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Friday, September 3, 2010

Blood Dolphins (Video)

I want to share this post with you from the blog. Animal Planet begins airing this series about the dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan tonight. If you aren't aware of this issue where thousands of dolphins are captured and slaughtered each year, beginning in September, please take a moment now to educate yourself and share this information with others and get involved in any way you are guided. Our fellow creatures need us to help stop this atrocious practice.

Blood Dolphins: A Sad Sight in the Cove (VIDEO)

posted by: Cris Popenoe 15 hours ago

Blood Dolphins: A Sad Sight in the Cove (VIDEO)
Care2 members are very active in raising awareness of dolphins in danger. A petition to end the dolphin slaughter currently has over a quarter of a million signatures.

Add your name to the petition!

And the dolphin slaughter issue is tops in the news again, as Japan's dolphin killing season has just begun.   
Animal Planet has a new TV series, Blood Dolphins. A fresh episode airs Friday at 9 pm and if you missed episode one, "Return to Taiji", you can catch it tonight at 9 and again at 11 pm.

 To learn more about the plight of the dolphins and the power of these films, watch the video below. It features Lincoln O'Barry -- son of Ric O'Barry who started the dolphin crusade -- sneaking past barbed wire and guards with his colleague Kate Tomlinson to get shots of the cove.

Re- posted (from Care 2) by:

Dawn Kairns  

Twitter: themaggiebook

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