MAGGIE: the dog who changed my life

MAGGIE: the dog who changed my life
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's Your Life's Purpose?

Posted By Dawn Kairns, Author of MAGGIE: the dog who changed my life


I post this today from the - Daily Inspiration by Marc Allen both to share it with you and to remind myself to connect with my own purpose...

"What is your purpose in life? Many people have trouble with that word, purpose; it seems so serious, so heavy. You can substitute the word mission if you wish. Or vocation, which comes from the Latin word for calling. What is your calling? This is a great question to ask.

When I ask that question, I’m given a great key to a life well lived: We are here to reach our full potential, to evolve as much as possible, and to contribute to the betterment of humanity.

We are here to move upward in the pyramid of consciousness that Maslow described, until we become self-actualized, self-realized, and able to help many others move up to realize their potential, and help make this world a better place for all. Our purpose is to contribute in some vital way to the well-being of all. As so many have discovered, when we love and serve others in some way, our own sense of well-being, and our resources, and our joy of life expand vastly."

Please share with us here how you found your life purpose and how you are manifesting your calling in life.

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